
Sunday, September 11, 2011

From the Ashes, We Rise


"They can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."
                                                                                       - George W. Bush, Former US President

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I love the idea of leaving. I always get this feeling of excitement whenever I'm at an airport, waiting for the announcement for passengers to board the plane. Now, you could argue that there is nothing more exciting than to punctuate the end of a journey by setting foot on the actual destination place. Yes, that may be so, but starting the journey, mustering the courage to put one foot in front of the other is an adrenaline rush, an experience like no other.

Yes, leaving looks a bit precarious. Should you go and challenge the unknown? Would it be worth it? What about those whom you will leave behind? Leaving poses so many constricting questions that many of us become paralyzed in fear; many of us won't even move one inch.  I've experienced leaving so many times. I've left my family behind, my home, my friends, my job; I left the life that I was used to. Was it tough? Yes. Absolutely. Now here's the kicker: I did it twice. I would be lying if I said that everything just went smoothly. It would be false advertising to say that things will eventually go the way you want them to. No, I don't really know what the future holds for me, but how would I find out if I don't begin the journey?

Leaving is painful, yet liberating. It gives you the opportunity to see what is ahead, and it also gives you the opportunity to look back and appreciate what is left behind. It is never easy, but truly exhilarating. The tears shed from the farewells are greeted with the smile of the uncertainty. We leave to move on, we leave to learn, we leave because of heartaches, we leave because of love, we leave to travel and we leave to experience life.

* Yes, that's a Mini in the picture. Some might argue that I should've chosen another car. Well...I like this car so argue all you want. :)

Monday, September 5, 2011


I've realized that the most exhilarating part of this is the exchange of ideas that sparks amongst people who love art, and I can't tell you how excited I am to share to this beautiful community!  In order to reach out to more people, I had my blog listed on Bloglovin. :) Thank you for visiting, and see you again soon!

Tell Me a Story

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Street Soul

Have you ever experienced an extraordinary sense of being lifted out of your body, a feeling of thrill that spreads from your inner core and throughout your entire being, a feeling of unexplainable rapture so overwhelming that only a divine power can induce?

Music has that sort of hallucinogenic effect on me. I get excited whenever I hear the soft trickle of the first few notes of a favorite song. I'm one of those oddballs who savor each note with eyes shut, swaying like a goof to the lilting music. It has that kind of power that switches off that part of your brain that causes inhibition, taking complete control over your body and senses. Noticed anyone dancing in public as if nobody's watching, seemingly forgetting that they have an absolute lack of hand-foot coordination as they twitched and jerk in between notes? Yes, that's the music taking over.

I'm listening to Muse's version of Feeling Good as I'm writing this. I swear I can listen to it all day.

Can you imagine a world without music?

A Jazz musician in the streets of San Francisco

Friday, September 2, 2011

Coming of Age

Darmaine Quillao
Toronto, Ontario

There was a snowstorm that night, but there we were, shooting in the cold with almost frostbitten fingers. We then sought shelter in a downtown coffee shop, shared stories, daydreamed about having our own little photo exhibits someday. Kulot-as we fondly call him due to his thick, curly mane-is definitely one heck of a talent. He is a visual storyteller who has an uncanny way of knowing just when to release the shutter to capture the right moment. He definitely has inspired me to go out there, to take in, to experience, and to tell the story as they occur in the streets.

Happy birthday, Buddy. 

*These photos were taken using the nifty-fifty that he gave me for Christmas. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Time is Now

                                                                        Pushing Forward 

And We Climbed, and We Climbed

"The Beauty of the Mountain is hidden for all those who try to discover 
it from the top, supposing that, one way or another, one can reach this place directly.  
The Beauty of the Mountain reveals only to those who climbed it..."
                                                               - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The Highest Peaks, We Yearn To Conquer

Now. Now is the time to kick into high gear. I've been denying myself from realizing my full potential for so long that opportunity, after knocking many times, turned around and walked away. The nagging questions afterwards--the "what ifs"-- were like an itch that just wouldn't go away. So, I say: No more.  No more selling myself short. Take the reins, and take the limits off.

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